Virginia Riding Clubs
Charlottesville Equestrian Clubs
The American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) is a nonprofit organization that enables others to hold competitions through its RideHost Program. ACTHA offers trail competitions, and every ride held donates to a horse charity in need.
The Battlefield Equestrian Society (BES), is a nonprofit organization. Their purpose is to promote and enhance equestrian activities at Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP).
Activities include maintaining and improving the equestrian trails in the Manassas National Battlefield Park, and education through programs and speakers.
Belmead Stables is located along the James River in Powhatan County. Offering over 30 miles of horseback riding trails, they also have over 30 stalls and pasture facility on 1,000 acres of protected land.
The Clifton Horse Society (CHS), established in 1977, supports equestrian enthusiasts in Fairfax County and surrounding areas. CHS organizes monthly local trail rides and social activities.
The Eastern Shore Trail Ride event happens twice a year. It is a camping and riding weekend by invitation only for good riders on private land on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Proceeds benefit Company 16 of the Northampton Fire and Rescue Company.
The Mechanicsville Riding Club (MRC) is a nonprofit organization that supports other organizations, including therapeutic riding and equine rescue. was established to promote equestrian activities and trail riding in the Mechanicsville area. Their activities include trail rides, overnight camping.
The Nokesville Horse Society (NHS) represents horse enthusiasts throughout Prince William County and northern Virginia. Trail rides are held monthly at different venues in the state.
The Powhatan Riding Association was created in the 1980s. The club offers trail-riding events and special program.
The Prince George Riding Club promotes equestrian happenings in the community, including local trail riding events.
The Rusty Stirrups Riding Club supports adult equestrians from the Richmond area and includes horse enthusiasts of multiple disciplines.
The Shenandoah Trail Riding and Horseman’s Association promotes trail riding in the Shenandoah Valley hosting most of their trail rides in the George Washington National Forest.
The SouthEastern Association of Trail Riders (SEAT) promotes trail riding in Virginia and North Carolina.
Located in Alton, the Southside Virginia Horse Council promotes multiple events, including local trail riding.
The Southside Saddle Club participate in trail rides.
The Tidewater Horse Council promotes equestrian events in the Hampton Roads community.
Tristate Riding Club, based in Loudoun County, Virginia, includes members from Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland and accommodates riders over the age of 21 interested in multiple equestrian disciplines, including endurance and trail riding.
USTR is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and creating trails for riding fun and pleasure. Since its incorporation in 1987, USTR has evolved from a 100-mile endurance riding club to the present-day club of horse enthusiasts and pleasure riders who enjoy riding local and regional trails in northern Virginia.
Virginia Appaloosa Horse Club promotes Appaloosas in equestrian activities at the local, regional, and national level.
VaHorseTrails announces horse trail-related activities in Virginia.
The Virginia Paint Horse Club, a member of American Paint Horse Association, offers monthly trail rides.