The Afton Mountain Bed and Breakfast Inn c.1848 | 540.456.6844 Apple Blossom Farm House c1906 | 434.263.7747 The Dinsmore House Inn c.1817 | 877.882.7829 The Foxfield Inn | 434.923-8892 Graves Mountain Lodge | 540.923.4231 Harmony Hill | 434.263-7750 The Holladay House c.1830 | 800.358.5522 The Mark Addy Inn | 434.361.2425 Mayhurst Inn c.1859 | 888.672.5597 Prospect Hill | 800 277-0844 Boars Head Inn | 434.296.2181 Keswick Hall | 800 274-5391 Omni Charlottesville | 434 971-5500