Selecting The Right Bit For Your Horse

Selecting The Right Bit For Your Horse

If there is one universally agreed, most important piece of horse equipment to have, the horse bit would take the prize. More times than not, the human take on the situation is that a horse is a big animal, therefore the pressures needed to control it must be big and strong. That, however, is not the case. A properly placed bit, with the right amount of pressures, will yield the results one seeks. Fist note, there are very few surfaces where the bit can apply pressure. A complex applications of pressure to those few points to create complex communication are essential. The bit must be shaped in such a way and fit properly within the mouth so horse is able to understand what the communication is. Therefore a bit must be both directional and horse logical. It must not cause injury which will result in temporary numbness. Placing a high percentage of the pressure on the horse's lips and on the roof of its mouth is a much better fit, than placing the pressure on the horses' lips; an unstable surface and one that is easily injured. The first thing to look at on any device you put in your horse's mouth is its contact area; the size of the area that actually touches the horse and transmits pressure or feel. A straight or shaped mouthpiece, a tongue groove or port, a little leverage; is all it takes. And remember, whenever you see a horse fighting the bit, it means he has lost feeling for the rest of the aids; and adjustments are required.

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